Susan Wendt

Full Stack Developer

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I am a Software Developer currently working at CoverMyMeds in Columbus, Ohio. I began computer programming in early 2018 when I enrolled in the Coding BootCamp: We Can Code IT.

While working as a Technical Recruiter, I was introduced to the immense creativity and innovation within Information Technology, which ultimately inspired my career transition.

The problem solving required to craft clean and efficient code keeps me engaged and excited for the opportunity to tackle new coding challenges.


Languages & Frameworks

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Java, SpringBoot
  • JavaScript, Vue.js

  • Skills & Tools

  • Testing: Unit Testing, e2e Automated Testing
  • Versioning: Git, GitHub, Jira
  • APMs: Grafana, NewRelic, DataDog
  • Error Logging: Sentry, Splunk
  • CI/CD: Docker, Jenkins

  • Environment

  • Agile: Scrum & KanBan
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Pair Programming


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    Whoa... some portfolio inception. The website that you are viewing right now is a project that I built. Click the link below to see my code! There are two different branches: one with javascript and the original version without. Let me know which you prefer... my contact info is below.

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    This is a website built using Spring Web MVC for linking Java to HTML. The CSS is minimal as the focus was learning SpringBoot. I decided to review various yoga sources including journals, teachers, and studios. Yoga can be practiced outside or indoors... and now reviewed on my site.

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    Fizz Buzz

    Classic exercise to demonstrate Test Driven Development. User counts from one to one hundred with a catch. For all multiples of three, the player must say "Fizz", and for all multiples of five, the player will say "Buzz". Can you guess what the user says when the number is both a multiple of three and five? "FizzBuzz"! Play with your kids to teach multiplication or invite friends over for drinks to challenge yourself!

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    Virtual Pets Amok

    In this application there are regular organic pets and robotic pets. All of the dogs, both organic and robotic, can be walked at the same time, but each dog has its own cage. The cats share a common sleeping area and use one litter box. All of the pets have a scored health attribute. Organic pets' health decreases as a result of unclean circumstances and by thirst or hunger growing too high. Robotic pets only lose health if they are not oiled regularly. All pets lose health if their happiness drops too low.

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